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Dan Lopez

Dan Lopez serves as the Chief Technology Officer at Neural, bringing over two decades of technology leadership and innovation. His extensive experience spans a range of domains, from large-scale distributed systems for data analytics to space systems and robotics. Dan has brought forth notable projects, such as the development of technologies on the International Space Station, satellite remote sensing, to consumer-facing applications.

Before joining Neural, Dan's career was marked by collaborations with globally recognized organizations like the UN, NASA, Google, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These partnerships were centered around leveraging technology, particularly data and analytics, to bolster organizational decision-making processes and enhance brand presence. His areas of specialization encompass startups, strategy, geospatial technologies, federal intelligence, aerospace & defense, and the evolving fields of AI and ML.

At Neural, Dan's role is pivotal in driving technological strategies and innovations, ensuring the company remains at the cutting edge of the tech industry. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Integrated Science and Technology from James Madison University.

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